Four poems in The Glacier
“What If the Story Does Not End” in the Los Angeles Review
“Above the Treeline” on the Reformed Journal
Here is a link to a Reformed Journal podcast where I discuss “Above the Treeline”
“Lost Fragment from an Interview with Her Maid” on the Reformed Journal
Here is a link to a Reformed Journal podcast where I discuss “Lost Fragment…”
“Every Day I Learn How the World Will End” on Bearings Online.
“Eve Asks the Serpent for a Story” in The Christian Century.
“White Deer” on Vita Poetica.
“Self Portrait as Reliquary” in About Place.
“After Reading John S. Willett’s Book of American Trivia” in the museum of americana.
“Is God Zero?” in The Cresset.
“Wreath” in the Valparaiso Poetry Review.
“Year of Water” audio recording from The Free State Review.
Four poems I read on WNMU-fm for National Poetry Month, 2017.
“One Dragonfly Hovers” and “Leaves” from The Christian Century.
Three poems I read on WNMU-fm for National Poetry Month, 2016.
“Waiting in Line at the Bread Alone Cafe, I Consider Isaiah” on The 55 Project
(Scroll down to poem 027)
“Image” on the Black Warrior Review’s 40th Anniversary Feature
Audio of “In Koine Greek” from The Southern Review Audio Gallery
“Love Poem Relying on an Ethnographer’s Myth” in Diagram
“Creeping Things” in Valparaiso Poetry Review
Three Poems from Theopoetics.
“Not Exactly What You Had in Mind” from Will Nixon’s Poetry Blitz
“Coming of Age” on Prairie Schooner’s Fusion
Three poems on the Earlham School of Religion blog
“Rage” read by Ched Spellman on Belly Up
Prose, Interviews, Reviews, and Guest Commentaries
Here is an extensive interview about Inland Sea, posted on Speaking of Marvels.
Here is a short reading of poems in Inland Sea, hosted by DMQ Salon.
Here is an interview with Deborah Kalb on her Book Q & A site.
Here is an interview with rob mclennan about Inland Sea and many other things.
My “Tiny Love Story” on the Modern Love Podcast of the New York Times. My story is second.
“Drop” in The Christian Century.
“American Study Guide for a Cumulative Final Exam,” on Bending Genres.
“Card Trick” in the museum of americana.
“The Craft That Serves the Art,” an article about driving to see Lilian Broca’s mosaics.
“Hallelujah,” a brief article on Patheos about listening to Leonard Cohen’s song.
“A Nun Among the Detectives: Sr. Peg from Law & Order: SVU,” a brief article for Bearings: Online’s series on clergy in the media.
Here is a review I wrote of Adopted: The Sacrament of Belonging in a Fractured World by Kelley Nikondeha for The Englewood Review of Books. And here is a review of The Magdalene in the Reformation by Margaret Arnold, also in The Englewood Review of Books.
I have written monthly micro-reviews of new poetry at the Kenyon Review Online. Search the archives for additional reviews.
I contributed five posts as a guest blogger at The Best American Poetry; if you scroll down, you’ll see a search box on the left and be able to find them easily.
I’m contributing regular posts for Christine Sine’s Godspace blog. Here is “Desert” and “Into the Light” and “Variation Is So Much Fun”. Search the archives for more.
Here is a short piece I wrote at the invitation of Chris Rice Cooper reflecting on my experience of 9/11.
Interview with Editors of The Cossack Review
“The Pleasure of Attention” Guest Post on Christine Valters Paintner’s Monk in the World
Q & A with Deborah Hauser in Poets’ Quarterly
Guest Commentary on Kristine Ong Muslim’s blog
Guest Commentary on Heather Kamins’ blog